We are all doing well! Jordan's followup to Mexico the second week of March came back with good reports. He got his next followup extended; he won't have to returntil June! Wonderful news! Wonderful Lord!
God is abundantly blessing Jordan's work at his new job and we are so thankful to a creative, orchestrative God who does all things well and in perfect timing. We're also still on the house hunt here in Peoria, hoping to get one soon.
The next section of this post is something that was written a while ago. I wrote it the day we got the report from his most recent CAT scan revealing that his lungs were now completely clear. I sat down in awe and thankfulness with my Jesus and about a fourth of the way into my journal entry, the beginnings of thought crept up: I wasn't supposed to keep this private. The Spirit was nudging me to eventually post what was coming from my heart to the page. The delay is due to letting Jordan read it, praying about it, a lot of procrastination, and some insecurities on my part.
Please know that this is a snapshot of a very tender, vulnerable, uninhibited, awe-struck moment with my Father. I'm letting you in on it because I've been given the grace to obey. The scripture is Psalm 63. This is verbatim:
To My Awesome Abba
I have looked upon You in the sanctuary, beholding Your power and glory
-at Bethel when we praised You til we were worn out
-at BethelValpo when Jaycee & I went to the front and danced before You
-at Washington when dad glorified Your name with his full-of-faith sermon
-at Northwoods when You imparted miraculous joy & hope & a vision of how You delight in overturning Satan's plans
-at RockChurch where we praised You in the storm & were fed Your Word
Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You
Your steadfast love is even better than Jordan's life & I give him to You
So I will bless You as long as I live; in Your name I will lift up my hands
You are giving us boldness in our miraculous story & against-the-grain praise
My soul shall be satisfied as with fat and rich foods, and my mouth will praise You with joyful lips when I rmember you upon my bed and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for You have been my help
So many sleepless nights, Father. Give me a passion to meditate on you with joyful lips!
In the shadow of Your wings I will sing for joy
I am so elated right now & full of delight in You! Thank You for the miraculous test results we got back just now! "TOTAL RESOLUTION" as per the pathologist :) I am in awe of You & overwhelmed with Your lovingkindness, endless grace & incredible outpouring of blessing! I love You Father! Thank You, Thank You, Thank you!
My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me
You have taught me this even when it feels like I'm not learning. It truly is all about You. About no one -no thing -no organization -no presumptuous man-made idea -just You! I'm holding on tight.
But those who seek to destroy my life
Satan, his demons, my flesh, cancer
Shall all go down into the depths of the earth!
Yay God! You make us triumph over our enemies!
They shall be given over to the power of the sword; they shall be a portion for jackals!
Oh yeah! Thank You Jesus; this is because of You & Your work of redemption on the cross. Without You, we'd be dead.
But the King shall rejoice in God
David wrote this when he was king. As I re-write this in my journal i say: Katelyn will rejoice in God. Right now, I feel like it. But when I don't, I WILL rejoice in God.
All who swear by Him shall exult, for the mouths of liars will be stopped
like the people that said "incurable, & 6-24 months!" God is truth & right now God is saying: "I still have more for you" HALLELUJAH!
O God, You are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You; as in a dry & weary land where there is no water.
This is at the end because after going through verses 2 through 11, You have made verse 1 true for me. You did it, are doing it, & I now believe less in myself & more in You.
You alone I praise & worship & thank & give all the Glory. JESUS! I shout Your name!